Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day eighty-two

My own Eulogy

Save your tears., there will be
none at my grave sight. No talks
of how good of a person I was,
no lies about my character
and how I was the most honest
person you would ever meet.
Just read a poem or two then
break out into laughter as you
retell all the embarrassing
moments I had when I was
alive, like the time that I ran
straight into a parked school
bus. How I had a toilet paper
tail in the porn shop on my
eighteenth birthday. Laugh
and laugh out loud about
the silly stupid things I've
done. Hug each other finally
meet one another. Each of
you has a quality I admire
and respect. Find that feature
in those who sit solemnly
beside you. Death's never
a fun occasion. At my funeral
play one giant game of Catch
Phrase and finally most
important of all, invite a
stranger and in the quietest
moment of the funeral
burst into a flash mob
for ten minutes and resume
the funeral as if nothing
had ever happened.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Day eighty-one

Letter to God

Show me that you exist and you aren't
fairytale make believe. I've knocked on
your front door. Asked to be invited in
but I still wait outside unattended like a
traveling shoe salesmen. Maybe its
too much to ask for the Holy Spirit
to show itself like a descending dove.
I want a sign, some proof that you are
there and I am not crazy.
The world's full of divisions and every
priest, pastor, and minster has something
different to say about you. You are like
someone describing a taste.
But maybe I ask too much
maybe I'm too young spiritually speaking,
like a child who asks his mother
how electricity works, to which
she replies, it just does.


Day eighty


Forget first sight, let's believe
for just a singular moment that
Love has nothing to do with sight.
Eyes closed. Your voice travels
in waves, osculating against the
hard air. Life's just vibrations.
Smell's important too. The odors
lifting from hair and skin are all
too pleasant. Touch and taste
follow only after sight and smell.
There is no outer beauty, only
beauty or no beauty at all. Plastic
Hollywood surgeries mean nothing
The rhythm and melody of your
language, your voice means everything.
Your hair smells blue and your voice
sounds purple. Is this how blind
people love?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day seventy-nine


You're never here when I want you to be
I wish I had a silver bell to summon
you when the mood strikes. Do I need
to drink more? Will you come out of
your hiding hole? You're cheating on me
You're cheating on me with the guy
next door. You know I need you, so just
relax and help me out. Remember that time
we spent the whole morning together
without a care in the world? Was it
the coffee? No, we didn't have coffee,
I was sitting right in front of you
and you worked your magic and I
stood by and it was all good. I hate
when you go away. Maybe I need to
invoke you like back in the old days
when all those Greeks had the fun.
I need you right now, beside me rub
my shoulders for good luck. You're
always gone when I need you.


epic failure.

Day seventy-eight

All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason. -Immanuel Kant

Higher than reason.

(Architecture of a poem unwritten)

Line one: Something about Kant and how he didn't believe in miracles
Line two: Reiterate line 1 with a substantial metaphor.
Line three: Something about reasoning and the rational mind
Line four: A simile about the mind and the rational mind.
Line five: Nature imagery. juxtaposition of nature and religion. Perhaps a church in a meadow.
Line six: Metaphor about the image above. More nature.
Line seven: Tie in higher than reason with "God" and how He could be higher than reason
Line eight: Question tie in with God and add metaphor, perhaps alliteration
Line nine: More imagery and religious symbolism
Line ten: Final flourish, a question, employ assonance, rhyme, and a strong finishing image. perhaps something disturbing.

This was definitely a cop-out


Monday, October 25, 2010

Day seventy-seven

Waning Gibbus

There's always a sense of uncertainty
after the full moon's passed, something
about cycles. Lit by the bright moon
the sky and clouds continue to roam
in one direction, oblivious to the dark.
I sit in the driveway and look up wishing
for a star to bloom supernova. A sign
from God perhaps on this lonely night.
I am tense, but your voice calms me.
A possum silently cackles by, grimaced
by my presence. I should not be out
this late. The animals own the dim
and quiet places. The land around
me breathes and I exhale. There's
always a sense of uncertainty after
the full moon's passed, something
about cycles. There's always a sense...


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day seventy-six


There's a natural radiance in
churches with stained glass.
Today I am at a Baptist Church,
the stereotypical images flash
in my mind, a triple K slideshow.
But there are no men in hoods
nor burning crosses, no condemnation.
She sits with me, a small smirk
lay on her face. She leans back
against the velvet covered
bench, like a bored student.
We are in the balcony overlooking
the congregation. When the choir
sings, She sings and with her
I am in the presence of God.


Day seventy-five

Barn, Delicate, Food, Gentle, Yellow

Night 10/23/10

A barn owl searches the night
for food. The delicate trees creek
against the wind. Nearby, a deer clops
against asphalt, distracted by its own
gentle footsteps. Insects of the dark
no longer hum in the quiet cold. Winter
stands idly by and watches Autumn
lose her hair strand by strand-- The green
leaves yellowed by lack of light. Nothing
seems more lonely than a lovely
autumn night.


This exercise is hard.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day seventy-four


They used cheap wood to seal me.
It smells like pine. I scratch at it
claustrophobic hysteria. They never
tell you how dark and how alone
it is underground. And the silence,
unbearable. I am in a vacuum, somewhere
in space. Pleas for help, useless, I gather
the rest of my strength and push hard
against the planks. three feet of soft
dirt weigh against me. They were too
poor to bury me deeper into the earth.
I am not dead. I am not dead.
I scratch until my fingers nail start
to peel off, like the rind of a citrus fruit.
They cannot hear my angry pounding
I don't waste my breath shouting.
I devour the rest of the air slowly
and write goodbye with my nail-less
index finger. The blood trickles
against my face from the ceiling.
It's too dark to see if my word
is perfect. Then I wait and wait
until my mind and body finally rest.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day seventy-three

First Light

The birds always sing loudest right before
the light hits the ground. An early morning
wake up call startles me out of a dream. You
are panic stricken, perhaps rum drunk. You
want to tell me you're sorry, but the words
come out as sobs. The 5 am grog hits me
what were you talking about. Something
about regrets. The words crushed like a muddled
Caipirinha. I don't care what you have to say
anymore. A rooster's crow's more important
than your voice. I like the taste of bitter
words in my mouth. You scream and plead
and I finally turn the phone off. Shut you
out of my world, breathe easy. The next
morning. I get ten messages from you.
I delete them all. Your brother's texted
me. They found you in a ditch, your car
spun out of control and smashed head
on into the ravine. You died on impact. You
said your final farewell and I didn't listen.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day seventy-two


Her picture lay on my desk, coffee
stained, browned by the sun. I can't
throw away the image embedded
in the back of my mind-- water
clouded, her head just above
the line, body fully clothed. She
cleaned her room that night, vacuumed
and laid her pink prom dress on
the bed. Everything had to be perfect.
Email sent, a champaign
bottle sat on her desk with a white
ribbon, bon voyage written neatly
on an index card. Ready to set sail
with a proper christening, she melted
into the tub of lukewarm water.
What were her last thoughts? No
tears fell from her eyes. The knife
lay wrapped, flat under her left leg
a final gift for the man who
lifts her body away.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day seventy-one

Forget about today, tomorrow's another day.

I tell you it's not a choice, what
does the bible have to say about that?
You choose not to focus on it like
an animal who refuses to believe
that its territory shrinks day by day.
Do you really believe that God
wanted six suicides? The Bible says
love thy neighbor. There is no love
in suicide.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Day seventy


She walks with anger in her hands
nails dig into palms, she wants to
bleed. I see her slouch towards
the door and I follow her as she
reaches for another bottle. I want
to grab her wrist and say enough
is enough, but my hands pass through
air when I'm close enough to touch
her. She smirks and her dry smile
shows me that she's right. I won't
interfere again. The glass bounces
against the hardwood floor as she
drops the precious liquid. Nothing
shatters nor shakes, nor quiver nor
quakes. Every night she comes and goes
A perpetual moving image in my mind.
Love sometimes survives death,
but survival comes at a price.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day sixty-nine


You deserve better more fertile
minds. But, you are stuck with me.
I don't appreciate you anymore, my
belly swollen, my energy fades and fades.
I want you back, the way an alcoholic longs
for the bottle under his bed. I treat you
like shit, slap you when I don't mean to
kick you when you're on the ground. Each
apology a broken promise. Should I be surprised
you left? You always threatened with bags packed
I'm leaving now, Cris, I'm leaving. I didn't believe
you. Ignored everything you said. Told you I can
do this on my own, I don't need you. But it was
all a lie. I need you more now. And though you've
heard I'll change, I'll change, a thousand times
over. This time I really will, and I will take
the eight steps.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day sixty-eight

Wind Makers

For Chris Hester

We're ten years old and have no
money to see movies or to go
to the local pool. I grab a piece of
paper from our dot matrix printer
and fold a paper plane that loops
and loops. When I throw the plane
we become pilots. I'm the pilot he's
the gunner. And we shoot down giant
birds and bugs. The wind blows
too hard and we crash land onto
the roof of my house. The game's
over. But Chris, has an idea, a one
that comes from the brilliance of
the sun. He went to the reservation
last week and saw the Cherokee dance.
They danced for rain spinning and stomping
against drum beats. "Lets do a wind dance"
Chris grins. We don't know what we're
doing. If we were older we would look
like prejudice punks, mocking the power
of native traditions, but we are young.
We dance spinning in confusion and the wind
picks up. We dance fierce against the wind
and the paper plane glides off the roof.
We've pleased the Wind spirit. We are
wind makers.


Day sixty-seven


I know that you are out there, watching
the same night sky. Perhaps we are in different
hemispheres, but the moon's the same bright
white. Perhaps I've passed by you several
times in my car on my way to work. Heading
in opposite directions, two strangers concentrating
on the road ahead. I want to know your name
so I can find you. Look for you in the Dark
places of the world. Perhaps hidden from view.
One day I will stop looking and by mere happenstance
I will find you or you will find me, slumped
in a chair like a been bag at a used bookstore, reading
a novel by Paulo Coehlo.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day sixty-six

"Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10

Why I want to be a writer

Because I can't paint or sing.
My hands tremble, my voice trembles.
But at the keyboard there is stillness.
The click click click of keys, rhythmic
like drum beats, flows from my finger tips.
At his date fifty years ago, some poor
fool was typing rhythmic madness on
another machine. One made of metal
that clang at each line break. I am
connected to him and the fools before
him with quill and ink, scratching madly
at parchment paper. We all are chained
to our own minds, watching the Muse
come and go as she pleases, and like
a ghost, we can't catch her.


I don't know why I'm compelled to write down bible verses.
Inspired by O'hara's "Why I am not a Painter"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day sixty-five


I found a tire on the road
and tomorrow I will hit with
a sledge hammer. I will infuse
the tire with all the hate and grief
of the world. And smash until
my hands blister and my arms
burn until I can lift no more.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day sixty-four


"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" - 1 John 4:8

Show me how to love. Her voice
cuts through crisp autumn air. I
know she's concentrating on my
eyes. It is night. Her pupils twitch back
and forth, refocus like twin
camera lenses as they try to capture
the universe behind my dark orbs.
But there is no such universe, only
tricks, only photo-genesis. Her
reflection resides behind the dark
glass of the soul and if I am lucky
my image hides behind the veil
of hers. I don't need to show her
anything. She already knows without
knowing. The fingernail of the moon
points directly at her. There's no
beauty like a beauty lit by Luna.
Tonight we know God.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Day sixty-three

To my future love

I am an awkward person, the same
as the feeling you get when you
forget an old friend's name. I
don't snore, but I'm told I talk
in the middle of the night when
things grow quiet, when the crickets
stop singing. I like crude humor
the kind that make little school boys
giggle on the playground-- typical
dick and fart jokes. I have delusions
of grandeur and sometimes think my poems
can move mountains, that poetry will
save the world one day. When I experience
something new, I know if I like it or not
almost immediately. I will like the sound
of your voice, so keep talking. Your parents
will think I'm a nice young man, but you
know the truth. I like astrology and I
want to believe in ghosts. I am perfect
for you, but not perfect at all. I'm clumsy
and will break something of yours, or trip
and fall in front of you. I might make
you cry one day, and I apologize for that
right now, it will probably be an insensitive
remark. I like watching films at the run
down dollar theater, the floor sticky
and the chairs falling apart. I don't
watch sports and I have no interest,
save for some Olympic ones. I love to read
and I love talking to you.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day sixty-two

"God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them." Rick Warren

And if they listened I
would not be alive. "Dead in
a ditch" as they say. The twelve
small holes still ache on
my wrists. "You did it
wrong", the girl next to me
says in the ward. She smiles
and holds up her arms. On each
wrist a white line starts
from her palm and rivers
downward. "Third time" she
whispers like a child who
shows her mother a finger
painting. Would I be on
the other side if you hadn't
rushed in, dialed those three
digits, raving hysterical manic.
If you did not Speak to me
or cut the threads that tie
us together, would I still
stare at the poor girl next
to me, screaming silently
for help? No, because if you
chose to stay home after
seeing the flare of my Facebook
message, God would have taken
me and you would be protected.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day sixty-one

The Other Side

We are perfect for each other
like the way the Moon and Earth
revolve around an endless waltz,
but I don't love you the way
you deserved to be loved. The spark
isn't there. I imagine that love
is just a word of colors. We
aren't on the same spectrum
and the feeling that grows from
the pit of my stomach isn't
there anymore like an empty
cave after a bear has awaken
from its hibernation. I am astronaut
in the coldness of space, waving
his hand trying to touch the rim
of the bright blue atmosphere.
Goodbye, there's nothing more to say.


Day sixty


There's always the little
things that enter the mind,
like worms burrowing into soft
earth. The nuances that repeat
and repeat-- The way she ties her
hair in a pony tail, the color of
the ribbon. Even the way she walks
as though she always has an important
place to go, fill the mind's projection
screen. I can't stop. I know it is wrong
to want. She's a Capulet, and my family
has neither title nor rank. I wish the mind
could wipe memories like the ocean sometimes
erases land. But I have these thoughts
spread against me like a woolen lover*.
Perhaps this is love? No love
is much stronger I suppose. Never
have I been truly in love. Perhaps
I've found the wrong fragments of
my Soul. The ones that never quite
seem to fit like mysterious jig saw
pieces. I'm waiting for a larger
chunk of my past life to wander
haphazardly into my life like a drunken
stag or turtle. Or maybe, I'm the small
fragment finding another small
piece of a greater whole.


*Stolen from John Berryman's Dream Song 1

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day fifty-nine

And here again I stand

I look too deeply, a fraction
too long than I'm supposed to
and you don't blink, like you're
supposed to. There's no wide chasm
between us and for a fraction
we linger, but we're supposed to
break apart. It's almost like you're
caught in a trance. No wide chasm
to divide us like a fraction
with a zero denominator. Supposed to
such nonsense like you're
a common dishrag. The wide chasm
of breaking hearts a fraction
of things that I'm supposed to
take as "life experience" like you're
Father always said. "Always a wide chasm"

And here I stand again.


(Yeah don't ask... I'm on cold medication right now)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day fifty-eight



I am not a vegetarian, but I like vegetarian
foods. I enjoy staring into women's eyes. Yes,
it's a bit weird. I like watching sunsets
and sunrises, I find it sad that some people
don't take the time and look up and see
the grandeur of the sky-- each individual
scape different from the other. I like
people's laughter. Not toward me of course,
but shared laughter. I like the sound of Kina
Grannis's voice. I like martial arts, both the martial
and arts aspect. They seem opposing, war and art, but
somehow come together beautifully. I like paper
cranes and the taste of blue Gatorade. I like
music of all sorts. I like walking barefoot
at the beach. I like being near water.
I like people who aren't fake. I like people
who are passionate about things. I like
oranges, even though some people may hate
the color and it doesn't rhyme with anything.
I like being not sick. I like sleeping and
dreaming good dreams. I like crystals and
seashells. I like the end of things and
the beginnings of other things.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day fifty-seven

Day 2 of the Plague

The Fifteenth Day of October in the Year of Our Lord 2010

I have finally contracted the plague. The apothecary tells me that I may yet live another day. He gave me herbal medicines and salves and tells me that if I have not healed within ten days I am lost. I prayed to the Lord that I will be healed, but so many others have been taken by His grace. In a valiant attempt for the quest of science I will record my symptoms below:

-Soreness in eyes
-Severe cough
-Stuffed nose
-Body aches
-Breathing difficulty

I fear that if these symptoms continue, all will be lost. In the future I hope that one day a scientist or apothecary may devise a cure all for these symptoms, one that does not involve death or blood letting. If I shall pass in the coming days, I wish blessing to all those who have known me.


I have a cold :/

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day fifty-six

Sick as a dog, I'm fighting to stay awake and write this. I have a cold and I hate colds because there aren't cures for them. Whoever invents that or even a vaccine will be my hero. I haven't had a cold in a long while and I absolutely hate them. Who doesn't? So right now, I have no meds, and am blabbing on and on. I want to chant to my white blood cells "Go, Go, Go" I can see them fighting and epic battle inside my blood stream. The major battles lay at the chest, throat, nose, and eyes. I can't write anymore. Goodnight


Day fifty-five

Inspired by "Reason's for Attendance" By Philip Larkin


The trumpet drew me in, too
and unlike you I walked right into
it. Too much alcohol pours
freely passed from hand to hand
like water from a fire bucket brigade.

And you were right to think
that in here is sex, what you would
see as pure indecency. It doesn't hide in
the dark anymore as Women lick each
other the way dogs lick their master's hand.

The bump and grind replaces
"the maul to and fro" The loud
thump of music drags for hours--
everything's a blur of flashing lights.
And every bar tender knows-- "Satisfied"

is the question asked to the poor
chump hugging the heavenly toilet.
And I have misjudged myself
as the rough tongued-bell rings outside.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day fifty-four

Dear Diary,

For the first time in 3 years I got fucked up. One shot of cuervo, two shots of crown, one shot of yager, and two shots of khalua. None of which I paid for, so I got really lucky. I have a headache now. It is very bad. I will probably never get drunk again for another 3 years. I don't like having headaches. Today I saw two girls kissing and three girls giving each other lap dances. It was awesome and awkward at the same time. I probably won't remember what I am writing now. But, I had the sudden urge to keep up with my 15 minute a day project. Thank god for my designated driver Shin, without him I would have had to call a cab, because drunk driving is super stupid. I am at Shin's place and he has a large light fixture that looks like daisies and Eric thinks it's a monstrosity. Shin is going to bed. Chris, the other Chris is passed out in the bathroom, because he got more effed up than myself. I can't believe I am typing, my head feels like a nuclear bomb. But I will write, no matter what. Eric is awesome because he gave me a blanket and pillow to sleep in. These guys are amazing folks and I would not trade them for a million dollars. Maybe 1 billion, but not a million. Tomorrow I go to church to see my friends Leah and Stephen in the praise band. They are going to play their original composition and I'm very excited for them. I might regret everything I said tomorrow. But as of now I haven't done anything bad and I feel content. I didn't even think about my ex-girlfriend one bit. Right now I love my life. Maybe it's the alcohol. I miss you Twan and I miss Lisa a little, but she made her decision and I respect it. I also love my co-workers with the exception of one, which we all know who it is. I put my hands up in the air tonight saying Ayo let's gooo.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Day fifty-three

My bucket list in 15 minutes:

Bungee Jump

Get a tattoo

Visit Spain

Visit New York City

Visit Washington D.C.

Visit Oregon

Visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Do a back flip

Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef

Visit New Zealand

Hug a penguin in Argentina

Visit Philip Larkin's grave

Meet the president, any president

Be in a feature film (as an extra or something)

Read my poems in a packed house

Be on stage with OneRepublic

Eat fish and chips at an English Pub

Visit Tokyo

Visit Interlocken

Find true love?

Have a home near a large body of water

Go shell hunting at a deserted beach

Be in a hot air balloon festival, in a hot air balloon of course

Learn to drive a manual, well

Learn to bake artisan bread

Be a part of a flash mob

Witness a flash mob happening at random

Jump in a pool of green Jello

Meet Natalie Portman

Help a person that actually needs help

Have a fully lucid dream

Have a large entourage of beautiful women walk down the street with me (don't ask)

Photograph a kiss

Spontaneously start dance in a crowded street and have others follow suit

Make music for a video game or film

Make another person smile and have that person make another person smile

Visit a large observatory/planetarium in the middle of nowhere

Sleep under the stars with uncluttered light pollution

Go gem/treasure hunting

Learn to sail

Learn to horseback ride

Hug a llama

Participate in an activist march

Hug a citizen of every country in the world in order to promote world peace

Drive over 120 mph

Win a contest


Day fifty-two


Only a drunkard would have thought
knocking down ten wooden pins
with a resin ball would entertain
so many people through so many
generations. The pins, metaphors
of life, and the ball, swirling
images, smash into each other
to create poetry. How easily things
glide on wax oiled floors! The slow
hum of the ball against wood grain
then the sudden smash of pins
startles the senses. Perhaps
the anticipation, the ball
released from hand, forms
a spiritual bond of letting go.
That life courses the route
unpredictably as we attempt
to guide ourselves to perfect
strikes. Forget gutter balls
as the next frame enters
the lengthy hallway to the reset
