Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day sixty-eight

Wind Makers

For Chris Hester

We're ten years old and have no
money to see movies or to go
to the local pool. I grab a piece of
paper from our dot matrix printer
and fold a paper plane that loops
and loops. When I throw the plane
we become pilots. I'm the pilot he's
the gunner. And we shoot down giant
birds and bugs. The wind blows
too hard and we crash land onto
the roof of my house. The game's
over. But Chris, has an idea, a one
that comes from the brilliance of
the sun. He went to the reservation
last week and saw the Cherokee dance.
They danced for rain spinning and stomping
against drum beats. "Lets do a wind dance"
Chris grins. We don't know what we're
doing. If we were older we would look
like prejudice punks, mocking the power
of native traditions, but we are young.
We dance spinning in confusion and the wind
picks up. We dance fierce against the wind
and the paper plane glides off the roof.
We've pleased the Wind spirit. We are
wind makers.


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